Ulzee An

UCLA Computer Science Department / Computational Medicine


404 Westwood Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90025

Hi! I’m Ulzee. My name is based on a street of the same name in Korea (을지). I’m currently doing my PhD in Computer Science with Professor Sriram Sankararaman at UCLA. My research interests are in applying state-of-art machine learning methods to improve our understanding of complex diseases. My experience spans many modalities that are encountered in healthcare: genomics, doctors’ notes, X-rays, MRIs, motion sensors, and more.

Check out my academic CV or resume.

Before joining UCLA, I obtained an MS in Computer Science at NYU while researching traffic patterns with Professor Lakshmi Subramanian. I obtained my Bachelor’s in Computer Science at UIUC where I contributed to projects involving motion sensors in Professor Prashant Mehta’s lab.

Other things: I had a research internship with Uber in 2022 where I worked on probabilistic and DL embedding methods. See what I do for fun. Feel free to reach out to me at ulzee [at] cs [dot] ucla [dot] edu.

selected publications

  1. AIMedHealth
    DK-BEHRT: Teaching Language Models International Classification of Disease (ICD) Codes using Known Disease Descriptions
    Ulzee An, Simon A. Lee, Moonseong Jeong, and 3 more authors
    AAAI workshop on AI for Medicine and Healthcare, 2024
  2. Nature BME
    Accurate prediction of disease-risk factors from volumetric medical scans by a deep vision model pre-trained with 2D scans
    Oren Avram, Berkin Durmus, Nadav Rakocz, and 8 more authors
    Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2024
  3. Nature Gen
    Phenotype integration improves power and preserves specificity in biobank-based genetic studies of major depressive disorder
    Andrew Dahl, Michael Thompson, Ulzee An, and 8 more authors
    Nature Genetics, 2023
  4. Nature Gen
    Deep learning-based phenotype imputation on population-scale biobank data increases genetic discoveries
    Ulzee An, Ali Pazokitoroudi, Marcus Alvarez, and 8 more authors
    Nature Genetics, 2023